Sunday, April 10, 2016

Table Of Contents...

Here are two layout of table of contents that I enjoy, an well as Vogues millions of others of viewers.

Table of contents usually feature the main stories of the magazine, but are usually simple feature colors that show purity such as Vogue. Table of contents are used primarily to show the information in the magazine, in order, and as a guide for readers to easily access the articles they want to read. Vogue always issues a "subscription add" on their T.O.C. that may or may not differ from magazine to magazine. This is a point that I will use in my table of contents because this allows readers to get a first glimpse of their issues, and creates a constant target market, creating a constant income. Creative designs can be made using a table of contents, but they are not common.

Friedman, Vitaly. "Table of Contents: Creative Examples – Smashing Magazine." Smashing Magazine. Impressum, 06 July 2008. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

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